Gluten-free crispy pan-fried tofu topped with maple syrup, a wonderful gluten-free alternative. My kids are not GF and they love this! Serve with a small...
Don't let making the crepes scare you. They are so easy and can be filled with a variety of sweet or savory fillings. Feel free to add your own favorite...
Looking for a fun new party dessert? Try these mini waffles baked on lollipop sticks and covered with chocolate, peanuts, and a touch of flaked salt. They're...
It's a sweet treat. It sounded icky to me as a child but I skeptically tasted it and it's like cake. Wonderfully quick and easy and great when one wants...
Quick and easy protein drink for those on-the-go. The protein powder will keep you full longer. You can substitute 2 tablespoons peanut butter for the...
This is a very fast and simple recipe that I came up with when trying to eat healthy! I think you'll enjoy it! It's also wonderful with lettuce, tomato...
Chia seeds, oats, and fruit soak overnight in almond milk for a nutritious vegan breakfast of champions! I like my oatmeal warm, so I heat it up in the...
A classic Mexican torta gets updated into the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Eggs, crispy fried pork, avocado, cotija cheese, and a spicy mayonnaise all...
A perfectly easy omelet for a Sunday morning! This was a favorite in our family for years. The results will impress both kids and adults! You may also...
Potato tots topped with spicy eggs scrambled with green onions and bell pepper are then topped with Cheddar cheese. I usually cook for one, so this egg...
Lemon Crumb Coffee Cake brings magic to the breakfast table with every bite. This sweet lemon cake has it all: lemon cheesecake filling, crumbly streusel...
A one-dish oven omelette with bread included. Named Anneomelette as an ode to my wife who can do it all. Served with pizza crust on bottom when eating...
Looking for a healthy, yummy breakfast to start your day? Try this vegan smoothie bowl with carrots, banana, coconut, and goji berries. I used unsweetened...
These oats are like eating a fudgy brownie for breakfast, but they are healthy for you! This vegan breakfast is made with rolled oats, banana and almond...
For that added boost einkorn flour contains higher levels of minerals and protein than typical wheat flours. Einkorn may be substituted cup-for-cup with...
I was looking for an affordable way to make delicious, healthy granola. I like the complex flavors, including the mix of molasses and Mexican vanilla....
Very quick and easy fried eggs with sauteed vegetables. Protein-filled with nutritious vegetables and very little carbs for those, like me, who are always...
A vegan take on a breakfast favorite! Cover tarts with any icing you like, or powdered sugar. Tip: they're just as good toasted the day after as they are...
A delicious pancake infused with matcha green tea flavor to give your breakfast a colorful Japanese flair! These pancakes are a vibrant color, so flipping...
I made this recipe up when I was making crepes, and realized I didn't have any fruit for them, but I did have spinach. I didn't like the spinach crepe...
This frittata is a good dish to make at home because, unlike the restaurant variety, you can vary the amount of vegetables on it. So be creative and enjoy...
A strata is a layered bread and egg casserole, usually served as a brunch. This version is studded with diced tomato and crumbled bacon. Prepare it before...
These hearty pancakes are flavored with buckwheat and coconut. Don't expect a smooth-appearing cake. These pancakes appear lumpy because of the buckwheat...
A good-for-you, tasty recipe for those of us who are cutting down on wheat. High in protein and tasty. These are floppier than a traditional pancake, so...
It took years of tinkering to come up with my own personal favorite granola recipe. Granola recipes are meant to be modified, but maybe you can start with...